Developing a strong core is so important for our general health, and has very little to do with striving for a six pack! Try Brooke's workout to build strength
Mindfulness and restoration have never been so important to manage our mental health during changing times, so why not explore our slower and more reflective classes and clips?...
Learn how to flip your perspective on life by going upside down in this ten-minute tutorial on classic supported headstand (salamba sirsasana). Alice breaks down the posture offering preparatory poses and steps...
During January, all members get £5 off their next direct debit if they refer somebody to sign up for the Online Trial Month! And their friend gets £5 off too!
Meditation is something many want to build into their routines as we enter 2021, and this five-part series is a great introduction to an accessible and guided meditation practice. ...
Only our online classes and video library are currently running. Studio classes, workshops, therapies and private sessions will resume as soon as restrictions lift. No classes from lunchtime 24/12 until 7:30am on 28/12. ...
During tier three, our studio is closed for group classes but we have a full timetable of online classes to join, plus our on demand video library. Therapies and private sessions are still running at the studio. ...
Discover our new shop additions, which make for great presents along with our gift vouchers that come in any denomination and can be used towards anything at Yogahome! ...