What Is Sound Healing?
Simply put, this ancient practice uses vibrations to relax the mind and body. Vibrations are created vocally by singing or chanting, or using instruments like gongs, Tibetan singing bowls and tuning forks.
Sound healing can be traced back 40,000 years to when indigenous Australians used ancient didgeridoos to create healing vibrations. Since then, indigenous societies around the world have used sound in healing ceremonies, including drumming, hand-clapping, singing and dancing.
By using rhythm and frequency, we can relax our brainwaves and shift from our normal beta state (waking consciousness) to alpha (relaxed consciousness), and even reach theta (meditative state) and delta (sleep; where internal healing can occur).
What are the benefits?
Deep relaxation is one of the most significant and universal benefits of sound healing experiences. It is said to help move energetic blockages in the body and facilitate healing on a physical and mental level, balancing and clearing the mind, and leading to a renewed sense of purpose, well-being, calm, and happiness.
Other benefits include lower stress levels, fewer mood swings, lower blood pressure and improved sleep. As a result, sound healing has been known to help treat stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, depression, sleep disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, pain and autism.
What to expect from sound healing experience?
During a session, you’ll typically lie down on the floor or a yoga mat in a dark space, perhaps with a soft blanket or pillow, and simply listen and bathe in the soothing sounds and vibrations as the practitioner plays a variety of instruments. Think of it like a meditative acoustic sound concert. The sound frequencies help slow down brain waves to a deeply restorative state, which activates the body’s system of self-healing.
You may experience visualisations or feel physical sensations like tingling in your hands or a sense of being hot or cold. Breathe into any sensations without attaching to them or labeling them. Instead, focus on your breath as you allow the vibrations to take over.
Sessions vary from just 15 minutes to several hours and can take place on your own with headphones or in a studio with others. But regardless of time and place, the effect should be the same: a general feeling of relaxation and contentment.