Yoga nidra, also known as yogic sleep, is a powerful technique for controlling the body’s relaxation response and promoting deep rest.
The practice of yoga nidra induces a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping. Deep rest and healing can take place in this state, making it beneficial for a wide array of physical, mental and emotional ailments.
Giving your mind and body an extra window of deep relaxation offers powerful benefits.
The practice of yoga nidra…
Helps improving thought patterns and reducing stress levels.
Improves cognitive function and in turn memory and concentration by creating space in the brain.
Effectively reduces stress by triggering the ‘relaxation response’.
Is highly effective for sleep disorders and helps treating nsomnia and sleep deprivation.
Brings balance to all layers of the body – the emotional, mental and physical. This helps in decreasing symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Is accessible to all ages and abilities – anyone can reap the benefits of yoga nidra!
We offer a weekly yoga nidra class with Shira Hess every Sunday, 4 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Sign up for a class via the link below to come and try the transformative power of yoga nidra!