In preparation for the events, Alessandra is sharing her personal thoughts on the use of gongs during this auspicious time of the year.
During this year’s Summer Solstice Gong Bath celebration I’m hosting at Yogahome, on Friday 25th and Sunday 26th, I will ask the Gongs to work their magic and stoke your inner fire so that you can burn brighter and stronger for the forthcoming weeks of summer.
The Gong Space will be smudged and ready to receive you as I invite you to set your own intention. Celebration and tradition will, I know, ensure that you receive the Gong energy in the right mindset.
My intention is to invite the Gongs to facilitate the change which a new season brings. To find peace we need to allow things to be in a constant state of flux.But where and how does the magic happen?
I think it’s really important that there is still a place for the unknown. It’s the mysterious and the unknown that really activates my mind and imagination…..the earth, maybe not so much the oceans, has been mapped extensively, but in the deeper universe, wilderness is uncharted.This is where the Gongs will take you, into the space between the worlds, the unknown space.
I hope you can come and celebrate with me. to all the joys that are just around the corner…Welcome to summer!!!