We host a range of workshop, courses and events throughout the year.
Past seasons include: gong baths, hypnobirthing, yoga for menopause, yoga for labour and birth, family yoga and mindfulness, yoga and ayurveda: how to design your practice, CPD workshops for teachers (e.g. anatomy refresher courses, teaching mixed levels) and much more!
Remember: Full Members get 12% off and Studio Members get 10% off all workshops, unless stated otherwise.
Our video library is also a fantastic resource of pre-recorded videos that cover topics often explored in workshops e.g. qigong & yoga, journey to headstand, meditation tips and inversion drills.
Online bundles |
Saturday, March 15, 2025
4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Power through and let yourself go in this strong, creative vinyasa flow yoga session set to a soundtrack of deep grooves and beats specially mixed for the occasion. Let off some steam, sweat and flow, and kick off your Saturday evening feeling elated! The music will be a bit louder, the lights a bit dimmer, so you can lose yourself in a dynamic yoga practice and on a musical journey, like a dance on the mat, ending in a lush, long relaxation.
“Yoga is a dance between control and surrender – between pushing and letting go – and when to push and when to let go becomes part of the creative process, part of the open-ended exploration of your being.” – Joel Kramer
Open to all levels, although not recommended for complete beginners. If you are new to yoga but used to exercising, dancing, martial arts or any other form of movement, you are welcome to give it a go!
Saturday, March 29, 2025
4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
In a Vinyasa Yoga Flow class it might be intimidating to try arm balances and we might feel that we don’t have enough guidance but learning to balance on our arms can be empowering and bring us to a deep state of focus.
This workshop is for anyone who wants to start developing skills in arm balances and take flight on the mat! We will look at the technique, flexibility and strength required for different arm balances like the Bakasana family (crow, one legged crow, side crow) Eka Pada Kounandyasana (flying splits), Astavakrasana (eight-angle pose), Pincha Mayourasana (forearm balance) etc. and start to build confidence in these postures or take your very first steps.
The workshop is not suitable for complete beginners to the yoga asana practice.
Friday, April 25, 2025
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Join Sara for a 2 hour mandala vinyasa workshop on the season of spring and the element of wood.
In the winter, we let the body be still, quiet and introspective – charging the batteries and taking time to rest. When Spring arrives, we can begin to adjust our habits and perspective. Our internal dialogue is naturally telling us to get out there and enjoy life. Just as nature starts to bloom again, we can too.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the season of Spring relates to the element of wood and the liver/gallbladder meridians. The liver is seen as linked to growth and our ability to change, evolve and envision our future. When we feel stuck in life or unable to dream, it may be because we have liver qi stagnation.
Through 2 hours of deep and intentional practice – exploring meditation, breath work, creative mandala vinyasa, yin yoga and TCM theory – we will open the inner pathways and bring balance to the wood element, so that we can bloom into spring with a literal spring in our step, awaken our dreams and cultivate confidence to go after what we want.
This workshop is open to all, no matter where you are in your yoga journey.
At Yogahome we host a variety of sound based events and practices. Join one of our Gong Baths, or one of our Cacao Ceremonies & Sound Bath events.
Membership discounts do not apply to our events.
Fri, March 21, 2025
6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Experience the meditative and healing wonders of sound with this special Gong bath in celebration of the Spring Equinox!
This is a time when we look to new beginnings and new potentials, as we plant our intentions and seeds for the coming months. The Gong journey will celebrate the frequencies of balance, giving space for growth and renewal and welcoming a state of calm.
All you need do is turn up and lie down, and be bathed in the sounds and vibrations of the gong, a sacred instrument that has been used for thousands of years for the purpose of healing.
There is a science behind this experience. The gong’s sounds and vibrations create an alpha brainwave state, where mental activity includes daydreaming and imagination. This is then followed by a theta brainwave state, where activity includes sleep, dreaming and deep meditation.
Theta brainwave frequencies are most often where the gongs will take you. Even though you still feel present, you have entered a dreamlike, deep meditative state. Theta is a good state of consciousness to be in for healing to occur.
Even though there is a science behind sound therapy, this special experience can also be explained by quoting Kabir’s Ecstatic Poems translated by Robert Bly:
‘…..near your breastbone there’s an open flower. Drink the honey that is all around that flower. Waves are coming in: there’s so much magnificence near the ocean! Listen: sound of big seashells! Sound of bells!’
Open to all. Tea served at the end.
Sun, March 23, 2025
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Experience the meditative and healing wonders of sound with this special Gong bath in celebration of the Spring Equinox!
This is a time when we look to new beginnings and new potentials, as we plant our intentions and seeds for the coming months. The Gong journey will celebrate the frequencies of balance, giving space for growth and renewal and welcoming a state of calm.
All you need do is turn up and lie down, and be bathed in the sounds and vibrations of the gong, a sacred instrument that has been used for thousands of years for the purpose of healing.
There is a science behind this experience. The gong’s sounds and vibrations create an alpha brainwave state, where mental activity includes daydreaming and imagination. This is then followed by a theta brainwave state, where activity includes sleep, dreaming and deep meditation.
Theta brainwave frequencies are most often where the gongs will take you. Even though you still feel present, you have entered a dreamlike, deep meditative state. Theta is a good state of consciousness to be in for healing to occur.
Even though there is a science behind sound therapy, this special experience can also be explained by quoting Kabir’s Ecstatic Poems translated by Robert Bly:
‘…..near your breastbone there’s an open flower. Drink the honey that is all around that flower. Waves are coming in: there’s so much magnificence near the ocean! Listen: sound of big seashells! Sound of bells!’
Open to all. Tea served at the end.
Fri, April 11, 2025
6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
The full moon is a particularly potent time. You might find that you are feeling things more strongly, or not sleeping so well. A sound bath is the perfect antidote. Relaxing and releasing, you will be able to process what’s going on and harness the power of sound to pierce through any resistance, inertia, stress or anxiety.
Gong, crystal and singing bowls, bells and drums will create a unique soundscape to make you feel refreshed and relaxed and to deeply nourish the Rest and Digest nervous system.
Come to go on a sonic journey of the imagination and through deep awakening rest, strengthen your resolve for the month ahead and connect to your most authentic intuition.
There will be nothing that you will need to do, just come ready to lie down and relax in this safe space and let your heart/mind roam free.
Tea is included in the end to ground you before you head home.
Open to all, no previous experience of yoga or meditation required.
We run a variety of antenatal workshops and events.
From Active Birth, to Yoga For Labour and Birth, from Women Circles to Day Retreats.
Sat, April 12, 2025
2:45 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
*The price is intended for you and your birthing partner.
Sat, February 22, 2025
2:45 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
The three-hour session will include a short break giving you an opportunity to meet with other parents to be. You will also be given a handout recapping the tools covered and a recording of the mindful meditation practises to
Bundles are a one time purchase that give you lifetime access to various collections of our on-demand classes. Practice whenever, wherever, as many times as you like, forever!
A great option for non-members who want to access some of our curated on-demand content.
6 videos
All levels
Yoga and Qigong weave together beautifully. Both can be flowing forms, helping us to tap into and use our energy, and yet instil a deep inner calmness. Yoga can often seem linear (e.g. Sun Salutations) with an emphasis on extension and strong asana, while Qigong movements are often softer, circular and rhythmic, with a big emphasis on grounding.
Qigong practices are closely linked to five elements and in turn these relate to seasons as well as organ systems within our bodies, to bring us into harmonious balance with ourselves and our environment. The five elements of Qigong do not correspond exactly with the five elements of yoga, but together they help us find our natural balanced state.
These six short practices embrace the rich backgrounds and traditions of both and introduce you to the five elements of Qigong. Close the series with a meditation and breathing practice focused on the middle and the lower dantian (energy points).
The videos can be practised together, individually, whenever as you please.
Bundle content:
Part 1: Wood (13:30)
Part 2: Fire (12:10)
Part 3: Earth (12:40)
Part 4: Metal (20:22)
Part 5: Water (21:31)
Part 6: Breathing practice (12:04)
6 videos
All levels
The practice of Metta Bhavana meditation (universal loving kindness) is the systematic cultivation of our capacity for loving kindness. This method helps us to feel more positive, accepting, kind, and patient toward ourselves, in order that we can be more compassionate and loving toward others. With practice, Metta flowers into compassion and equanimity.
The practice of Metta Bhavana has 5 stages, in which Metta is cultivated towards: ourselves, a good friend, a ‘neutral’ person, someone we find difficult and finally all beings. Explore each stage in depth through the first 5 videos, and then put together the elements explored into a complete practice.
This series is suitable to beginners and those with a more established practice alike.
Bundle content:
Part 1: Cultivating Metta towards ourselves (16:40)
Part 2: Cultivating Metta towards a friend (14:08)
Part 3: Cultivating Metta towards a neutral person (9:29)
Part 4: Cultivating Metta towards somebody we may have conflict with (19:58)
Part 5: Cultivating Metta towards all beings (13:50)
Part 6: Full practice (29:34)
7 videos
All levels
Light up your body and build deep core strength with this Power Pilates Series. Explore classical matwork and key Pilates exercises and their variations. Each session targets a different area of the body or group of exercises.
Prepare to build up a sweat, get stronger, and work your entire body with this complete workout!
Bundle content:
Part 1: Standing Legs Routine (10:29)
Part 2: Upper Body Strength (14:53)
Part 3: Focus on the Core (17:30)
Part 4: Side Lying for Legs and Glutes (15:53)
Part 5: Sequence to Strengthen the Back (11:34)
Part 6: C-Curve Series (13:12)
Part 7: Full Practice with No Equipment (26:32)
9 videos
All levels
The Chakra Energy System is an organised system that operates in the Pranamaya Kosha, or energy body, through which prana, the vital life-force, flows. This is where the health of our energetic, emotional, mental, psychological and spiritual being is integrated, expressed and reflected. When we feel vitalised and vibrant, our emotions are balanced, and energy levels feel abundant. When we are feeling stressed out, pushed to the limit, this is reflected in poor energy and health. Each energy centre is a sphere of information, with qualities and characteristics relating to health and wellbeing. Through meditation and reflection, we can tune in and tap into the inherent wisdom within and connect to their positive attributes.
Meditation is a wonderful way of getting to know and tune into the vibrational energy of the chakras. In this series, you will find a meditation on each individual chakra, that will guide you through their specific qualities and traits. There is also a complete chakra meditation to practice.
Bundle content:
Part 1: Introduction (11:24)
Part 2: Root Chakra (14:00)
Part 3: Sacral Chakra (11:31)
Part 4: Solar Plexus Chakra (11:53)
Part 5: Heart Chakra (11:12)
Part 6: Throat Chakra (11:29)
Part 7: Third Eye Chakra (12:17)
Part 8: Crown Chakra (13:21)
Part 9: Full Chakra Meditation (36:11)